Thursday, February 24, 2011


Two hours before the 24th hour of my mom's death. Am staring right now at her coffin, regrets and a lot of regrets im feeling now. Im flooded by it. What could have happened if i was here on time. Could i have saved her life? Im blaming myself now for all the promises i had given her yet only partial came true. Trying to be strong for my sis and specialy my dad. I know that i'm hurting right not but i know that dad's been devastated. He loved my mom, there's no question about. I mean he never stoped lover her until the last breath. As per my dad, they were not able to talk before she left, they were just staring at each other during her last minutes since my mom could not speak, a stare, and that was it. She left us. She's gone. And we never, ever would see her again. Writing this now is accompanied by a heavy heart and a lot of tears. Goodbye mom, goodbye. How i wish you could have survived. I will always cherish you in my heart till the day i die.