Am gonna postpone the Pandanon ecapade part 2 to gave way of this very unexplainable feeling today.
The decision I had for today was a bit unpredictable but I know that in the end, this is gonna feel and right for me. Yes, Me and my mheggo broke up. I couldnt believe that I have came up to that decision earlier this day. I'm siiting in the table now, half awake, half sane or shall I say trying to be sane and a bit groggy of what has earlier happened. It was not that easy. As they all say, its not the quantity that counts but the quality. Though we were not that long in each others arms but I have to face the truth that we could never be together, no matter how I'm gonna stretch my rope but it will really end for I know that some good things never last and he is by far the best thing that happened to me. I've done , not only some but a lot of things that I haven't done in my previous relationships. He is the one who thought me how to fight and face the real world. We could have been great together but its too late. The confrontation was not that nice but I was able to handle it with controlled tears.
I'm starting to cry right now so my laptop might be in danger. Until next time of ravaging emotions of this author who is unloved.
sioms....***hugs*** hope you feel better very soon.